Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The American democracy reached its zenith on November  4,2008,wen BARACK H. OBAMA was elected the 44th President of United States Of America and the 1st African American President.Jai ho!


Now that the exam season is over and there is hardly any reason to rejoice , when I dont have anything to do,I am feeling a big gap in my life.I have never felt so hopeless and helpless  in life  ever before.Realising that the  show goes on irrespective  of my whereabouts, I decided to engage myself somehow.I started attending my dad's office cum factory .Though there was hardly anything to do, I still observed  how much   I  can  contribute to my business.I realised how my dad earned bread and butter for my family, the amount wrangling done by him with the suppliers, workers and the authorities. I learned how difficult it was for my dad to earn each penny which I used to spend prodigiously.Now that I am jobless , I am in the search of a job to pursue after graduation and plan to study parallely for CAT 2009.

the gateway to the OSCARS....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Indo-Pak War -a reality???

The war hysteria created by the Pakistan Government after the 26/11 attacks on the Indian soil has made Indians feel that war with Pakistan may well be an option,but if we as Indians think rationally, war is not an option at all .It is important to be practical and not emotional.The cost of a full fledged war does not only entail huge economic burden but also costs loss of precious innocent lives.Today , military expenditure of our country supersedes the education expenditure.Is defense of a country holds such importance?If it does , then the role of UN has failed .Globalization has failed to create harmonious relations between different count.
Its the moral responsibility of the US to not let go Pakistan on this count.Indian authorities have concrete evidence of the use of the PAK territory for terror training camps.This time instead of being diplomatic,the US should be vehemently exhorting Pakistan to open up and destruct all the terror camps resding in its soil.